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Gut health is the key to your child's overall health and immunity.
A healthy gut not only protects your child against disease-causing organisms but is also important for the development of a resistant, strong, and a well-functioning immune system.
Diarrhoea is one of the most common diseases in small kids. It can last several days and can leave children's bodies without the salts and water that are necessary for survival.
When a kid passes 3 or more watery stools per day (or more stools than usual), it is defined as diarrhoea.
Probiotics are just the kind of friendly bacteria our gut needs in order to preserve the balance of the flora.
It's also extremely important for your child's health and immunity.
Read on, as members from the parent community speak about how Enterogermina helped them take better care of their children's gut health, and share glowing reviews about the product.